Nokia 3.4 India launch has been officially teased by HMD Global through a post on the Nokia India Twitter handle. While the teaser image only says ‘coming soon’ and doesn’t reveal the exact date yet, the Nokia 3.4 release date in India is expected to be later this month. To recall, HMD Global originally introduced the smartphone back in September 2020 and it was expected to launch alongside the Nokia 2.4 in India in November last year but that didn’t happen for some reason. Nokia 3.4 comes with a 6.39-inch HD+ display, Snapdragon 460 SoC, Android 10 OS, and a 4,000mAh battery.
Also read: Affordable Nokia 5G phones to launch in India this year: report
Nokia 3.4 price in India (expected)
A report back in December suggested the Nokia 3.4 price in India will start at Rs 11,999, probably for the base model with 3GB RAM. It is unclear whether the company plans to launch more than one configuration of the phone.