Qualcomm‘s latest 5G modem is the Snapdragon X65 which replaces the Snapdragon X60 that was launched last year. The X60 was bundled on the Snapdragon 888 processor. The new Snapdragon X65 promises to bring superior speed and support for up to 10Gbps speeds on both standalone and non-standalone 5G networks.
In terms of the upgrades that this new modem brings, the Snapdragon X65 offers a maximum download speed of 10Gbps which is an upgrade over the 7.5Gbps maximum download speed offered by the SD X60 from last year. This speed is merely theoretical, though, as there is yet to be a 5G network that is capable of providing such a level of throughput. However, with the upgrade in 5G connectivity, the modem is battle-ready for whenever the 5G throughput will get to that level.
Qualcomm touts the modem to arrive with an upgradable architecture thus making room for the addition of new features which will, in turn, make the device it runs on to remain relevant and current for a long time, more so as 3GPP Release 16 continues to roll out, allowing devices to stay relevant and up to date for longer.
Also announced, is an “AI antenna tuning technology,” that is touted to enable huge improvements in performance due to the deployment of AI-powered tuning. To put it in perspective, Qualcomm explained that the new system has up to 30 percent more accuracy in the manner it detects the way users grip their phones in order to bump up the connection efficiency, faster data speeds, and better battery life.
We don’t expect the Snapdragon X65 to be available anytime soon going by precedence. We expect it to be unveiled in the next-generation flagship Snapdragon chipset that is expected to be announced in December.