WhatsApp stickers have really hit it off among users. Whether still or animated, stickers have become a cool way to express and interact with friends and family on WhatsApp chat. You can download the stickers available on the web or create your personalised stickers on WhatsApp. If you’re wondering how? We’re here to show you just that. Read on to find out how to make stickers on WhatsApp, download them, and send them to your chats. It’s worth mentioning that while you can share WhatsApp stickers via desktop, you cannot download new ones or create them. With that in mind, grab your Android mobile phone/ iPhone and follow these steps to make stickers on WhatsApp:
How to make stickers on WhatsApp
The steps to make stickers on WhatsApp on iPhone or Android mobile phone are the same. There are no built-in tools, you’ll have to download a third-party application to create stickers.
- Go to the app marketplace. For Android users, it’ll be Google Play Store, while iPhone users can head to App Store
- Download Sticker Maker app
- Once it’s installed, open the app and look for ‘Create a new sticker pack’
- Label the sticker pack with the name and author
- Open the sticker pack and you’ll see 30 empty tiles
- Tap on the empty tray to add an image from the gallery or your camera
- The image will open on a photo editor where you can erase the background via Smart select option or Freehand or cut the image in square or circular shape
- Add text or outline, if you want to, and hit the ‘Save Sticker’ option
- Once you are done making stickers, you’ll be presented with the option to ‘Add to WhatsApp’
How to send WhatsApp stickers
After the sticker(s) is added, you can share them on WhatsApp for Android or iOS using the same steps that you use for the regular WhatsApp stickers.
- Open WhatsApp chat
- Tap on the emoji icon, followed by ‘stickers’. This will be next to the GIF option
- Look for the sticker pack that you recently created
- Tap on the sticker you wish to send to WhatsApp chats, and it’ll be shared
- You can also send WhatsApp stickers via desktop using the same steps
How to download WhatsApp stickers
There are a variety of different WhatsApp stickers available on the web. You can download and share them with your friends and family, with these simple steps
- Head over to WhatsApp and tap on the emoji icon next to chat box
- From there, tap on ‘stickers’, which will be next to the gif, and look for ‘+’ icon. This will open WhatsApp stickers store
- Under ‘All Stickers’, you’ll see a list of third-party stickers available
- Click on the download icon next to the sticker pack to save it on your phone
- You don’t want the save the entire pack, long-press the WhatsApp sticker you wish to download –> tap on ‘Add’
How to make Gif stickers on WhatsApp
Creating an animated Gif sticker on WhatsApp is not as easy as downloading them (using the aforementioned steps). You can use third party web tools such as ezgif.
- Open your browser and go to the ezgif’s website: https://ezgif.com/
- Select the ‘Web Maker’ option and hit the ‘Choose Files’ button
- Upload the media of which you want to make a gif sticker
- Drag down and click on ‘Don’t slack frames’ to remove background from the media
- Adjust the quality if you want and select the ‘Make WebP’ option
- Adjust the size of the file and click on the ‘Resize image’ option
- Long press, if you’re doing it on a smartphone, or right-click, on desktop, to download the image. If you’ve used PC, the animated gif sticker needs to be copied to phone
- Now, ask your friend to send a sticker, which isn’t in your WhatsApp library
- Replace the new sticker file with the gif WhatsApp sticker you recently created. For this, go to your phone’s file manager –> Internal storage –> WhatsApp Media –> WhatsApp Stickers –> Sort the file by date in descending order so that you have the recent sticker file on top –> Long press on the sticker your friend shared –> select rename and copy the entire file name
- Go back and find your custom file and rename it with the text that you just copied. Then, copy the sticker and go to WhatsApp Media –> WhatsApp Stickers –> and paste it.
- Lastly, close the WhatsApp app and clear the cache. The sticker that your friend shared will be replaced by your custom gif sticker, the next time you’ll open WhatsApp