ASUS ROG Phone 5 is set to launch in India today. Although the phone has appeared several times on benchmarking sites like Geekbench, we know very little about it. Based on what we know so far, the ASUS ROG Phone 5 specifications include the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 chipset and up to 18GB of RAM. The launch event will be live-streamed on YouTube so you can watch online starting 4:15 PM IST. Judging by its predecessor, the ASUS ROG Phone 5 price in India could be around the Rs 44,000 mark. It will be available via Flipkart shortly after launch.
ASUS ROG Phone 5 launch event: how to watch online
You can watch the ASUS ROG Phone 5 launch event online on YouTube via ASUS India’s official channel linked below. We can expect ASUS to surprise us with some newer accessories for the phone, along with a few special editions of the smartphone. More details about the ASUS ROG Phone 5 will be available on the official website soon.