OnePlus Watch launch has been officially teased by the company via Twitter. The first smartwatch from OnePlus will launch alongside the OnePlus 9 series on March 23rd. The teaser clip only teases the smartwatch from various angles, which makes it hard to make out the design at the moment. However, it is expected to have a circular dial and there are reports of an alleged OnePlus Watch RX model as well. The latter is said to resemble the OPPO Watch RX. The OnePlus Watch is said to bear model number W501GB and another with W301GB model number. While there’s a possibility it could run WearOS, OnePlus is yet to confirm this.
OnePlus Watch launch teased
OnePlus Watch Cyberpunk Edition is also said to be in the works but it could be limited to select markets similar to the OnePlus 8T Cyberpunk model. We can speculate OnePlus may borrow some design cues from the OPPO Watch, considering it’s a sister brand. The OnePlus Health app, which is the companion application to connect wearables, had revealed a bunch of watch faces for the OnePlus Watch. Considering these have a round design, the smartwatch may indeed arrive with a circular dial and the inclusion of futuristic watch faces suggests the existence of Cyberpunk edition.
Unfortunately, that’s pretty much everything we so far know about the OnePlus Watch design and features. Since most of these details are based on rumours and leaks, we suggest you take them with a pinch of salt until the official announcement. OnePlus Watch price in India and sale date are expected to be announced on March 23rd during the OnePlus 9 series launch event. The company’s first smartwatch should be available via Amazon India and the OnePlus store once launched.
Source: 91mobile