Xiaomi launched the Redmi K40 series smartphones in China last month. The lineup features three devices, the Redmi K40, Redmi K40 Pro, and the Redmi K40 Pro+. These smartphones are expected to launch in India rebranded as Mi 11X and the Mi 11i, if the reports are to be believed. The Redmi K40 is also tipped to launch globally as the POCO F3. However, the Redmi K40 series launch date in India is still unknown. Fortunately for us, today we have some exciting news regarding the India launch of the Redmi K40. As spotted by popular tipster, Mukul Sharma, the IMEI of the Indian variant of Redmi K40 has been registered in the Indian IMEI database.
Redmi K40 aka Mi 11X India launch imminent
The image shared by tipster regarding the leak shows that the IMEI of a Xiaomi phone with the model number M2012K11AI has been registered in the Indian IMEI database. The model number belongs to the Indian variant of the Redmi K40 if the previous reports are to be believed. The image also shows that the Redmi K40 Indian variant will come with 4G connectivity and not 5G as seen on the Chinese model.
Considering that the IMEI of the Redmi K40 Indian variant has been registered with Indian IMEI database, the phone’s launch seems imminent. We can expect the Redmi K40 aka Mi 11X India launch to take place in the coming weeks.
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