Qualcomm has already launched two flagship chipsets this year i.e. the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 and the Snapdragon 870 SoC. And if rumours are something to go by, then it looks like we'll be getting another flagship chipset from the house of Qualcomm this year as they seem to be set on giving more options to OEMs for making a variety of flagship phones.
Based on the information provided, the chipset aims to bring cheaper flagship phones.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G specifications
To recall the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 specifications, it ships with a 3rd generation Snapdragon X60 5G Modem-RF system that enables global compatibility by offering mmWave and Sub-6 across all major bands worldwide. It supports 5G carrier aggregation, global multi-SIM, standalone, non-standalone, and dynamic spectrum sharing. The chipset has 6th gen AI Engine that offers a re-engineered hexagon processor that is said to be a leap forward in AI compared to the previous generation to improve performance at 26 tera operations per second (TOPS).
There is also 2nd generation Qualcomm Sensing Hub that incorporates lower-power always-on AI processing for intuitive, intelligent features. The 3rd generation Snapdragon Elite Gaming delivers upgrades to Qualcomm Adreno GPU performance and with a faster gigapixel Qualcomm Spectra ISP. The company says users can capture photos and videos at 2.7 gigapixels per second or roughly 120 photos at 12MP resolution—which is up to 35 percent faster than the previous generation.