On Friday, Flipkart listed a dedicated page for an upcoming smartphone from OPPO, dubbed OPPO A54. It revealed that the smartphone will launch in India on April 19 at 12:00 PM. While it is still two days to go for the launch of the device in the Indian market, we have got our hands on some exclusive information about the device. Industry insider Ishan Agarwal has shared with us the OPPO A54 prices in India along with the RAM and storage variants that will be available in the country. OPPO will, of course, confirm the OPPO A54 India prices officially on April 19th.
OPPO A54 price in India
Ishan Agarwal has revealed to us that the OPPO A54 will launch in India in three variants. According to him, the base version will have 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage and it will cost Rs 13,490. The second variant will have 4GB RAM and 128GB storage and it will be priced at Rs 14,490. The third and the top-of-the-line version will feature 6GB RAM and 128GB storage and it will carry a price tag of Rs 15,990.
OPPO A54 4GB+64GB | Rs 13,490 |
OPPO A54 4GB+128GB | Rs 14,490 |
OPPO A54 6GB+128GB | Rs 15,990 |
OPPO A54 specifications
The device has already launched in Indonesia, giving us an idea about the specifications and features. It comes with a 6.51-inch display with a hole-punch screen with an HD+ resolution (720 x 1600 pixels). The screen has a standard 60Hz refresh rate support and comes with an 89.2 per cent screen-to-body ratio.
Under the hood, the phone draws power from a MediaTek Helio P35 SoC. It comes with up to 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. The device packs a massive 5000 mAh battery. It comes with 18W fast charging support. On the back is a triple-camera setup. The device has a 13MP primary camera sensor, a 2MP macro camera and a 2MP bokeh lens. For selfies, there is a 16MP front camera sensor.
The device boots on Android 10-based Color OS 7.2 out of the box. It has a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and comes with AI Face unlock. It also has an IPX4 waterproof certification for splash resistance.