PUBG New State launch was announced back in February and the game is slated to release later this year. Ahead of the launch, the company has announced that it has received over 10 million pre-registrations on the Google Play Store. To recall, the option to pre-register was opened back in February when the game’s trailer was launched. “We’re happy to report that we’ve hit over 10 MILLION PUBGNEWSTATE pre-registrations on GooglePlay. We’re humbled by the community’s overwhelming response and can’t wait to share our new battlegrounds experience with you later in 2021,” the company has posted on Twitter.
Furthermore, the developers have also announced the game will be available for alpha testing starting Q2, 2021. It will be available for testing in limited regions but its India launch is still not officially revealed. Select players will get the opportunity to play the upcoming battle royale ahead of its official release. PUBG New State is essentially a successor to the original PUBG Mobile game and is set in 2051 where “anarchy rules as numerous factions battle each other.” The game will have features like drones, combat rolls, etc. The gameplay will have an 8×8 map and multiple weapon options for combat.
PUBG: New State is claimed to bring ultra-realistic graphics and dynamic gunplay. It is compatible with Android phones running 6.0 OS and higher. PUBG: New State can have “100 survivors face off until only one player or team remains.” This is similar to the original PUBG Mobile.