Vivo V21 series India launch is inching close and the lineup is expected to include the Vivo V21 4G and Vivo V21 5G, according to tipster Abhishek Yadav. The tipster has shared promotional images of both phones. The upcoming Vivo V21 will have triple cameras arranged in a square module and a gradient design. The volume rocker and power button are on the right. The front of the phone has a waterdrop notch for the selfie camera and it seems to have two LED flashlights on the top frame. Both the Vivo V21 and V21 5G will have OIS and spotlight support.
Vivo V21 series listed on the company’s Malaysian website ahead of the launch
Vivo is gearing up for the V21 series launch in Malaysia. Ahead of the launch, the company has confirmed some specifications of the two devices.
Vivo has listed the V21 and V21e on its website and Instagram. The listing reveals the design and some key specifications. The phones are claimed to be Vivo’s slimmest 5G smartphones to date. Details about the camera have also been listed. The smartphone series will come with a 44MP front camera sensor. This front camera will come with OIS support. Vivo has opted for a waterdrop notch instead of a hole-punch cutout for its upcoming V-series devices.
On the back, the phones will have a triple-camera setup. The design is quite similar to the X60 series camera module. The device is confirmed to feature a 64MP primary camera sensor. It will also come with OIS support.
Vivo is also bringing the Virtual RAM feature to the V-series. The feature offers an additional 3GB RAM on top of the physical 8GB RAM. This 3GB RAM is taken from the phone’s internal storage when required.
The V21 series will come with dual-SIM 5G network support. The company could launch the V21 in 4G and 5G variants. The vanilla model has already passed the BIS website, hinting at an imminent launch.
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