Vivo recently launched the Vivo X60 series in China. The company is gearing up for the launch of its flagship smartphone in India. Ahead of the launch, Vivo X60 Pro live images of the global variant have leaked online. The images of the Vivo device V2046 have been spotted on the NCC website by 91Mobiles. It reveals the design of the smartphone and some of the battery specifications. The Vivo X60 Pro will have a hole-punch cutout on the top-centre for the front camera. The rear panel has a gradient finish. It also sports a Zeiss branding on the rear triple-camera module. This is different from the China variant, which comes with a quad-camera setup on the back. Let’s take a look at the Vivo X60 Pro live images, specifications, and other details.
Vivo X60 Pro live images on NCC
❮ ❯The NCC images show off the Vivo X60 Pro (V2046) global model with a centre punch-hole camera and a gradient rear panel. The rectangular camera module on the back has the Zeiss branding and triple rear cameras instead of quad cameras as seen on the X60 Pro China model. The NCC listing also features live images of the battery and fast charger, revealing a 4,200mAh capacity and 33W charging brick, respectively. These specs are inline with the Vivo X60 Pro China variant.
Vivo X60 Pro specifications
The Vivo X60 Pro sports a 6.56-inch FHD+ (2376×1080) AMOLED display with support for HDR10 and HDR10+. The model in China is powered by the Exynos 1080 chipset, but the global variant is tipped to feature a Snapdragon SoC. The phone comes with up to 12GB RAM and 256GB internal storage, but we’re not sure what RAM and storage variant will be coming to India.
The Vivo X60 Pro comes equipped with a Zeiss-branded quad-camera system in China. It includes a 48MP primary camera, a 13MP wide-angle lens, and a 13MP portrait lens, and an 8MP periscope lens. It seems the periscope lens will be dropped on the global variant At the front, the phone comes with a 32MP camera for selfies. The device houses a 4,200mAh battery and supports 33W fast charging.