Realme C20, C21, and C25 are set to launch in India today and the event will be live-streamed via the company’s official YouTube channel. The phones have been launched in select markets outside India so we know a good deal about them. The Realme C21 and C25 are the first in the segment to have received the TUV Rheinland certification for high reliability. The phones come with a 6.5-inch HD+ display, up to 6,000mAh battery, and MediaTek Helio chipsets. We should know the exact India prices and availability details of the Realme C20, Realme C21, and Realme C25 phones today. Here’s a quick look at how you can watch the event online and more
Realme C20, C21, and C25 India launch livestream
Realme C20, C21, and C25 India launch will be live-streamed on the company’s YouTube channel at 12:30 PM IST. You can watch the event online via the YouTube link embedded below. Realme C20, C21, and C25 are expected to be priced under Rs 12,000 in the country.